More flowing progress towards your vision

Visualise your initiative to keep everything clear, aligned, and energised. 

Available in: English | Deutsch | Français | 日本語 | Polski 

A tool for thinking through how you're organised, and sharing it visually.

Greater alignment

Reduce confusion and waste. More responsibility and accountability.

Faster onboarding

Get new people up-to-speed and adding value quickly.

More energy

Optimise how you work for maximum passion and purpose.

More impact

Create the change you want to see in the world faster.

Maptio explained in 4½ minutes

How Maptio works

Get everything clear, visualised and shared

✔️ Map areas of responsibility, teams and projects

✔️ Share the chart privately, or publicly (show me an example )

⭐ Increased alignment by showing how everything fits together

⭐ Reduce unnecessary duplication of effort

Keep track of who's involved in what

✔️ Browse everyone's roles and responsibilities

✔️ Show who's leading and who's supporting

⭐ Increase accountability and responsibility through visibility

⭐ Faster progress through increased focus

See the network of collaborations

✔️ Visualise who works with who

✔️ Connect who's leading with who's helping

⭐ Increase resilience by highlighting bottlenecks

⭐ Reduce stress through better distribution of effort

What our customers say


"We love how Maptio captures the essence of our wild and diverse ecosystem. Simple, networked, and crystal clear"

Ashley Pollock


Learn how to make a dynamic org chart

Watch our free Mini Mapping Masterclass short video series (no registration required).

👈 Here's the first video

🎓 Watch the whole series in our Learning Hub 

We love open-source

We believe in creating a healthy commons for the benefit of all, so Maptio is open-source software. Anyone can examine, use, modify, and distribute our code. And, you can become an active contributor.

Read our Corporate Rebels guest post to learn more.

Get started with our code on GitHub

Free coaching for founders of
regenerative initiatives

Are you the founder of an initiative going beyond merely "doing no evil" or "being sustainable?"

Do you have a group of 12 - 150 people worthing together on a vision that truly serves life?

Would you like two one-hour online coaching sessions completely free to help you improve how your group organises to realise your vision?

If so, this might be for you.

Ready to get started? No credit card needed.