
Three ways to get Maptio


Open source

The do-it-yourself option

Install and run your own instance.

You’ll be responsible for set-up, support and maintenance yourself although we’ll try to help when we can.


Maptio Standard

You set your
own price

The simple, easy option

Your own account on our hosted platform
Unlimited maps for up to 300 colleagues

We take care of all maintenance

Human-powered tech support

Try it free for 30 days

Maptio Custom

Built to spec

Get Maptio tailored for you

A tailored, maintained, and supported instance of Maptio, just for you.

The highest level of control, data protection, integrations, and security possible.

Can I really set my own price? How does that work?

We want Maptio to be accessible to everyone, globally

Unlike most software, Maptio Standard has no fixed pricing and nobody is excluded based on their financial means.

Our way is based on trust, and it's radically inclusive.

We are funded by the contributions that people feel they would love to pay towards our running costs and livelihoods, and to fuel the creative energy we put into building it.

You can try Maptio for free, and if you love it, you decide what to contribute.

Finding the price you’d love to pay

At the end of your free trial we’ll help you decide what the right contribution is for you, that reflects both the value you get from Maptio and what is within your means. When you're signed in to Maptio you can see the guidance here.

You can pay from $10 per month, but we love it when customers contribute $50 - $200 per month.
The price covers your whole organisation up to 300 people, it's not a per-user cost.

We live in an unequal world, so we also love to be able to offer Maptio sometimes for free, to support purpose-driven initiatives with less funding. Money should never be a barrier.

And, we love to receive larger contributions from those who get a lot of value from Maptio and have the financial means, who want to support the Maptio team and see our project succeed.

Are there other ways to contribute?

As well as money, we welcome contributions like testimonials, and blog and social media posts to tell your friends about us, and contributions to our open source project. Or perhaps you can suggest another way you’d like to contribute?

Together we’ll prove that an alternative economic model is possible.

Ready to get started? No credit card needed.